The Centeral Lab

centeral lab


An internationally recognized and accredited central laboratory for analysis, calibration, and measurement at Mansoura University's Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

Specialized training, research, and advisory services to advance scientific research and boost faculty staff and researcher’s scientific skills.
Central laboratory objectives
 Performing laboratory measurements and analysis for undergraduate, graduate students, and researchers.
 Developing the talents of undergraduate and graduate students, as well as members of the research sectors outside of the university and raising awareness of the value of scientific research.
 Providing organizations and individuals with research and advisory services in order to assist and promote scientific research.
 Training workshops for new researchers to impart knowledge and raise awareness of the value of scientific research.
 Introducing entirely new analysis systems and contemporary equipment to suit the most recent breakthroughs in veterinary medicine.
 Developing occupational health and safety policies for college laboratories, including the proper disposal of chemical and biological residues and wastes

Formation of the Central Laboratory Management Committee from 11/1/2022 

Prof. Dr. Maha Abdou Mohamed Abdou Al-Ashmawy - Dean of the College - Chairman of the Board of Directors
Prof. Dr. Sabri Ahmed Al-Khudari Nassar - Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs - Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
Prof. Eman Zahran Abdel Hamid - Professor of Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases and Fisheries - Director of the Central Laboratory
Prof. Youssef Al-Saidi - Professor and Head of the Department of Physiology - Member
Dr. Samah Massad Massad - Lecturer in the Department of Virology - Member

Dr. Mona Mohi El-Din El-Sayed Mohamed - Member

Laboratory staff:

Lab Director : Prof. Eman Zahran Abdel Hamid - Professor of Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases and Fish Diseases

Physiological, biochemical, clinical analysis sector

Prof. Youssef Yahya Al-Saedy - Team Leader
Veterinary doctor. Marwa Mahmoud Hassan Tawfik
Veterinary doctor. Reham Abdel Moneim El Bahnasawy
Veterinary doctor. Amani Mohamed Ibrahim Sanad

Molecular Biology Sector

Dr. Samah Mosaad Mosaad Mohamed - Team Leader
Veterinary doctor. Heba Adel Muharram
Veterinary doctor. Dina Ibrahim Abdel Ghani
Veterinary doctor. Sarah Abdel Sattar

The Lab equipment:


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Contact Us

60 El Gomhouria St, Mansoura, Dakahlia

 2200825 050

 2200379 050

 2200696 050

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