Department Of Pathology

 Goals of the department

• To offer a high quality course, in which students are challenged by, and stimulated to challenge, accepted experience in the field of pathology .
• To offer graduates the capability for life-long learning skills.
• To offer graduates the capability to apply research concepts and technologies in in the field of pathology, and to find practical solutions for the community problems.
• To offer graduates the proper evaluation capacity, and the ability to apply ethical and legal frame of medical practice-code.
• To provide graduate with satisfactory interpersonal and communication skills confirming the sensitive role of the veterinarian in society and disseminating the awareness of maintaining animal and human health.
• To prepare graduates for careers in the field of pathology
• To acquire knowledge and understanding of various causes of animal diseases, their pathogenesis, macroscopic and microscopic pathological lesions (viral, parasitic and protozoal diseases) and laboratory diagnosis.

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