External Awards

Dr. Ahmed Zaki Balbola - Theriogenology Department  - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Mansoura University


The Society for the Study of Reproduction - Canada



dr abo elezz

Prof.Dr. Ahmed Zaki Balbola - Theriogenology Department  - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Mansoura University


-SSR Virendra B.Mahesh New Investigator Award - August 2023

-Society for Study of Reproduction , USA



dr balboula
Dr. Omar Samir Ahmed - Assistant Lecturer, Department of Pathology

- Young Investigator Award -University of Tsukuba Japan 2023

-  Outstanding Thesis Award - Tsukuba University Japan 2023 




Dr. Hossam El Sheikh Ali - Theriogenology Department  - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Mansoura University


• Travel grant to attend the International Horse Genome Conference in San Diego. 2020
• Best Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Reproductive and Obstetrics Conference (Dr. Jerry Raines Award). 2019

• John Hughes Scholarship to attend the International Horse Show.
• Travel grant for the International Conference on Equine Genome in San Diego.











dr hossam elshikh

Dr. Alaa Ahmed Faheid - Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Department  - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Mansoura University


*Outstanding Presentation Award, NIMS-Waseda Student Symposium, National Institute for Nanomaterials Science.

*Incentive Award, Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Nanotechnology Society, Tokyo, Japan, November 2017.







dr hossam elshikh

Dr. Hossam El Sheikh Ali - Theriogenology Department  - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Mansoura University


• Best research paper from Misaki University - Japan.
• Zminji grant from the Veterinary Obstetrics and Reproduction Authority.
• Larry Wing Scholarship to attend the 50th Anniversary of the Reproductive Organization.
2017 dr hossam elshikh

Dr. Hossam El Sheikh Ali - Theriogenology Department  - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Mansoura University


- Best Research Award in the Conference on Farm Animals in the Japanese Society.

-Junior Scientist Development Visit Award, from the US-Egypt Joint Fund for Science and Technology.

 2016  dr hossam elshikh
Dr. Amr Abd El Wahab Hassan Abd El Wahab - Nutrition and Nutritional Deficiency department  - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Mansoura University Lohman Prize  2012

Dr. Sahar El Sayed El Sayed Ali Abd El Rahman - Virology Department - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Mansoura University

(Gerhard - Dan ) 2011

Equally between

Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Elmetwally - Theriogenology Department  - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Mansoura University


Dr. Amal Abd El-Monem Ali Halawa - Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Department - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Mansoura University


 DAAD  2010

Dr. Sahar El Sayed El Sayed Ali Abd El Rahman - Virology Department - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Mansoura University


DAAD 2007/2008


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