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Quality Assurance Unit
Vision for Quality Assurance Unit
The vision is to ensure excellence in Quality Assurance processes that are relevant to education, research, and community services.
Mission for Quality Assurance Unit
Evaluation and coordination of quality assurance tasks to ensure excellence in teaching/learning, research, and community services as prerequisites to fulfill the mission of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Mansoura University.
Strategic Goals for Quality Assurance Unit
- Strategic planning and development of Strategic and Action plan.
- Monitor the implementation of faculty's Strategic and Action plan.
- Conduct annual evaluation of the Faculty's Strategic Plan.
- Establishment of complete cyclic processes for quality assurance instruments for education, research, and community services.
- Preparation of annual self-evaluation reports.
- To encourage self-assessment of teaching staffs.
- Preparation of Course files for all Faculties' department.
- Revision of programme and course specifications.
- Ensure alignment between adopted Academic Reference Standards (NARS), and program and course specifications.
- Development of enhancement plans for academic programs based on program reports.
- Gathering of course reports, and annual plans for Faculty staff members.
- Development of enhancement plans for programs courses based on courses reports.
- Fulfillment of the standards needed to attain accreditation by national organization for quality assurance and accreditation.
- Quality enhancement through planning, feedback, and renewed planning.
- Ensure that the quality standards are met, detect problem, and propose enhancement plan.
- To evaluate the implementation of quality assurance system periodically.
- To coordinate Students' Evaluation of staff and programmes.
- To design, and use questioners as tools for gathering information about activities related to reaching/learning, assessments, research, and community services.
- Discuss the results of questioners with relevant stakeholders, and propose enhancement plans.
- Organize seminars, workshops and conferences.
- Raising awareness and training of staff members, students about the quality assurance cycle.
- Ensure effective collaboration between different members of stakeholders: staffs and students, and keep them well informed of evaluation results, efforts made, and suggested recommendation.